understand and explain the relationship between addition and subtraction, and between multiplication and division.Multiplication and division symbols, expressions and relationships recognise the inverse relationship of the operations of multiplication and division.recognise that multiplication is commutative but division is not.read, write and understand the division symbol and the language associated with it.read, write and understand the multiplication symbol, and the language associated with it.Level 3 Equations and Expressions Achievement Objectives develop bar charts to show relationships.solve number problems that involve application of the additive inverse.recognise that addition is commutative but that subtraction is not.explain, in their own words, the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction.write and read sets of related addition and subtraction equations.recognise three numbers that are related through the operations of addition and subtraction.use addition and multiplication to find number combinations that 'make' a given result.Level 2 Equations and Expressions Achievement Objectives use relationship symbols =, in equations and expressions to represent situations in story problems.recognise situations of inequality and use the inequality (‘is not equal to’) symbol, ≠.understand the equals symbol as an expression of a relationship of equivalence, and explain this.solve addition and subtraction balance problems and explain the solutions, using the language of equivalence.read and write addition and subtraction equations.make and recognise combined amounts that have the same value.recognise and write addition and subtraction expressions from story contexts.recognise and use subtraction written and spoken words, with the subtraction symbol.recognise and use the written and spoken words for addition, with the addition symbol.understand that written words and oral words can also be represented with numeral symbols.write an equation/number sentence to match their diagram.draw representations to show simple addition equations.Level 1 Equations and Expressions Achievement Objectives